Chinese Name 中文名字 劉智宏
English Name 英文名字 Michael Lau
Age 年齡 20
Horoscope 星座 Cancer (巨蟹座)
Favorite Colour 最喜歡的顏色 Black (黑色)
Favorite Sports 最熱愛的陽光運動 Football (足球)
Favorite Food 最喜歡的食物 Chicken (雞)
Favorite Place to Visit 最想遊覽的地方 North Korea (北韓)
Your Future Plan 對未來的規劃 Family-wise I want to get married and have 2 kids preferably boys. Career-wise, I want to open my own rehabilitation center for injured athletes. (家庭的話,希望能結婚有兩個男孩,事業方面,我希望開一個給運動員的復原中心)
Hobbies 興趣 In my spare time I enjoy meeting new people, making new friends, going to the gym and playing all types of sports especially ones that involve running. (結交新朋友,去健身房,做任何可以奔跑的運動)
Motivation(s) to apply "Sunshine Generations 2015". 什麼原因驅使你參加 “陽光世代2015”? My sister applied me into the Sunshine Generations. My motive in life is once I join something especially competitions, I either work my hardest and do my best or not do anything at all. And my decision was to join so now I motivate myself and tell myself to put in 100% effort for the Sunshine Generations. (我希望能參加一些特別的比賽,我這個人,不做便罷,要做便做到最好。因為現在決定要參加陽光世代,我就會付出百分百的努力)
What is your strength and outstanding area? (E.g.: appearance/attitude/activities) 什麼是你優勝及突出之處? (例如:外貌/ 身型/ 運動/ 興趣) My strengths are my confidence and ability to make people smile. I am always optimistic and can always turn a negative situation to a positive one. I love doing anything that gives me an adrenaline rush especially where I can show case my skills and compete. (我自信能讓身邊人笑。我是個很樂觀的人,通常能將消極的事情變積極。任何能激發腎上腺素的事情我都樂意去做,尤其是當我在舞台上競技的時候。)
What do you think of your future? Do you desire to work at entertainment businesses (E.g.: TV / Radio)? 你想從事的職業? 願意從事演藝事業嗎? (例如: 電視/ 電台) Nothing but success! My personal motto is "mind over matter" because with hard work and mental focus, nothing is impossible. After working with the sunshine generation squad I can see myself in the entertainment industry. Since I was an infant child my dream was to become famous and help those in need. (我的座右銘是「意志超越物質」用努力可以征服一切不可能。在參加本次比賽之後我覺得我有潛質進入演藝事業,在我還很小的時候我的夢想就是出名,然後幫助有需要的人。)
Please rank the following aspects beginning from “The Most Important”, and briefly explain the reason for your first priority. [Family/ Career/ Friends/ Love] 請將 [家庭/ 事業/ 友情/ 愛情],由最重要開始排列,並解釋選出首位的原因。 Here is my ranking from most important to least: Love, Family, Friends, and Career. 1. Love is everything. Without it, you do not have family, friends and a passion for your career. 2. Your family is your foundation and roots. They keep you grounded and pick you up when you get knocked down. 3. Friends are the sculptors. They shape you into the person you are meant to be. You grow up and make memories together. 4. Career is last on the list because you can buy fast cars and big houses but you cannot buy love, family and friends. (愛是最重要,給你生活的熱情,家庭是你人生的根基,朋友是你的塑造者,而事業排在最後,因為其他幾樣事物相比之下更加無價)